A little behind, here. We had stay-over company, company at my dad's (who we had to run and see), checked out ArtPrize with the company, and attended the West Michigan Quilter's Guild Quilt Show, all mushed together in about 2 weeks.
Aunt Pat and her quilt |
Yay! I finally got Aunt Pat's quilt done. As you may recall, this is a quilt that her grandmother made in the early 1960's, we figured. I repaired the shredded patches (there were lots of them), and put knit fusible interfacing on part of the back where the backing fabric was gone (just to keep the guts in). The last thing I did (in the 2 days prior to Aunt Pat leaving Michigan--they only stay for 4 days or so) was tie a new back on the quilt with no. 8 perle cotton, and put a new binding on. That binding was a bear, but I did it all by machine due to time limitations. Got it done at 1 a.m. of the day we were meeting them for breakfast at 9 and surprising them with the quilt. Yikes! But I think Aunt Pat likes it!
Buggy Barn pattern Spring Posies (I think) |
I finished up this quilt, too. "All" I needed to do was bind it and sew a sleeve on the back. Now it hangs in my stairwell overlooking my living room. It is about 60 by 70 inches. Now I need to get to work on something more seasonally appropriate to hang in this space. Something orange, perhaps?
A nice row of pumpkins at Potter's. |
Want some good cider? This is the place to get it! |
Next up: Showing you photos of ArtPrize (I got a shot of the winner's work) and the local quilt show, which was outstanding.