I took the day off yesterday, and part of my fun was to wander around downtown Grand Rapids for about four hours checking out some of the ArtPrize art. It usually takes us at least three trips of four to five hours each to see a majority of the art. We ran into a couple of my husband's photography club friends, and they have been downtown 5 times so far (they were checking off art from the
Grand Rapids Press ArtPrize list as they went). Way more organized than us!
I was attracted to many pieces, but the ones resembling stitchery jumped out at me.
Click this photo to check out the "stitching" made with wire. Up close the coat looks like pieced leather! Located outside the B.O.B. at Fulton and Market.
The coat artist and her materials. |
Called "Scrappie Dick" by Paul Cassidy, this is the ultimate scrap patchwork piece. Over 19 feet tall and made from reclaimed computer metal. Located outside the B.O.B.
This piece was a mosaic made of aluminum can tiles stitched onto canvas. I could not tell how it was stitched down even with very close inspection. Located inside the B.O.B.
The Owl artist and materials used. |